Welcome Yo-Yo Enthusiasts
All middle school students are invited to join the Yo-Yo and Rubik's Cube Club every Monday during lunch from 11:30 - 11:55. We meet at the tables along the Field House wall outside the Pavilion. Whether you want to attend every week or just occasionally, the choice is yours. Certificates will be awarded to participants during the Club Awards on Tuesday, April 8. Just make sure to sign the club sign-up sheet to be eligible.
Grab your lunch and join us in solving Rubik's cubes. We rely on our student experts to assist with cube-solving, so your expertise is appreciated! For those interested in yo-yos, we'll practice tricks on the spacious grassy area between the Pavilion and the Field House. You're welcome to bring your own cubes and yo-yos or borrow one from Mr. Colby. Please ensure all borrowed items are returned (with yo-yos wound up) at the end of lunch.
Interested in some friendly competition? We'll be hosting a yo-yo contest in the spring. More details on the competition can be found below.
Yo-Yo Competition
**Yo-Yo Club Contest Details**
Start practicing the fourteen tricks provided below. Our club awards ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8.
**Contest Rules:**
1. Participation is voluntary. All Middle School students, except past champions, are eligible to compete.
2. Participants will individually perform as many of the listed tricks as possible within a two-minute timeframe.
3. Mr. Colby will serve as the timer and judge.
4. The student completing the most tricks within two minutes will be the winner. In case of a tie, contestants will perform an additional trick to break it. The best trick will determine the tiebreaker winner.
5. Contestants can choose to perform their two-minute routine during any Yo-Yo club meeting up to the second week in March.
6. The winner will receive a yo-yo, similar to the Sidekick Yo-Yo showcased below.

Here is the list of tricks for the yo-yo contest:
1) sleeper 2) forward pass 3) around the world 4) planet hop 5) basic looping 6) rock the baby 7) walk the dog
8) spaghetti 9) orbit launch 10) bow tie 11) Jamaican flag 12) UFO 13) rocket launch 14) flying trapeze